
Schisandra chinensis orchard Learn more about Schisandra chinensis orchard

  • Control of Weeds of Schisandra chinensis

    Control of Weeds of Schisandra chinensis

    1. The investigation results of weed species in Schisandra chinensis field showed that barnyardgrass, Digitaria, amaranth, Chenopodium, Chenopodium and Chenopodium were the most serious weeds in Schisandra chinensis field. 2. Routine control of weeds in Schisandra chinensis orchard

    2020-11-08 Schisandra chinensis
  • Water management of Schisandra chinensis orchard

    Water management of Schisandra chinensis orchard

    1. The root distribution of irrigated Schisandra chinensis is shallow, and drought has a great effect on the growth, flowering and fruiting of Schisandra chinensis. There is less rainfall in spring in Northeast China, which is prone to drought, which is extremely disadvantageous to the early growth of Schisandra chinensis. In the course of the year, according to climate change and planting,

    2020-11-08 Schisandra chinensis Schisandra chinensis orchard water management irrigation
  • Water Management of Schisandra chinensis Orchard

    Water Management of Schisandra chinensis Orchard

    1. The root distribution of irrigated Schisandra chinensis is shallow, and drought has a great effect on the growth, flowering and fruiting of Schisandra chinensis. There is less rainfall in spring in Northeast China, which is prone to drought, which is extremely disadvantageous to the early growth of Schisandra chinensis. If irrigation can be carried out in time according to climate change and plant water requirement in a year, it will play a significant role in improving the yield and quality of Schisandra chinensis. Schisandra chinensis is most sensitive to water in the period of germination, rapid shoot growth and rapid expansion of berries. Lack of water in the early stage of growth will cause irregular sprouting, new shoots and leaves.

  • Control of weeds in Schizandra chinensis

    Control of weeds in Schizandra chinensis

    1. The results of investigation on weed species in schisandra chinensis field showed that barnyardgrass, crabgrass, amaranth, chenopodium album, equisetum, Setaria chinensis, etc. were seriously damaged in schisandra chinensis field, among which crabgrass, commelina communis and chenopodium album were especially seriously damaged. 2. The conventional control of weeds in schisandra chinensis garden can be combined with the cultivation of the garden at the same time, 4~5 times a year, the cultivation depth is about 10 cm, so that the soil is loose and breathable, and it plays a role in drought resistance and water conservation. Weeding is to avoid nutrient loss, plants have adequate nutrition health

  • Schisandra chinensis can be interplanted with scallion or Schisandra chinensis seedlings under full light conditions.

    Schisandra chinensis can be interplanted with scallion or Schisandra chinensis seedlings under full light conditions.

    In order to make full use of the land between the rows of cultivated Schisandra chinensis, interplanting spring onions or seedlings of Schisandra chinensis before 4-year-old fruit can receive certain economic benefits to supplement the cost of cultivating Schisandra chinensis. 1. Plan 1. Cultivated Schisandra chinensis has a row spacing of 1.5m and a plant spacing of 0.5m. The available land area per mu (667m2) of Schisandra chinensis orchard is as follows: per mu (667m2), according to the estimate of 33m long side and 20m short side (660m2), the row spacing is 1.5m, 22 rows can be planned, each length is 20m;

  • Construction and Seedling selection of High-yield Schisandra chinensis Orchard

    Construction and Seedling selection of High-yield Schisandra chinensis Orchard

    Topographic conditions: different topography has a great influence on the cultivation of Schisandra chinensis. Under natural conditions, Schisandra chinensis is mainly distributed on the forest edge and sparse woodland with shade in mountainous areas. it grows naturally, the yield is very low, and it is artificially cultivated, which has been proved by observation and practice for 5 years. The whole day light in more than 10 hours, a wide field of vision, no major obstacles around, ventilation and light, water, drainage, soil layer of 50 cm is the best place. Water source conditions: Schisandra chinensis is more drought-tolerant, in order to get higher yield and plant growth is good, to strengthen the growth of fast cells.

  • Artificial breeding technique of Schisandra chinensis

    Artificial breeding technique of Schisandra chinensis

    The special medical and health care effect of Schisandra chinensis is more and more favored by people. However, the breeding and breeding of Schisandra chinensis is a difficult problem. The improved variety breeding base of Schisandra chinensis in Kuandian County, Liaoning Province has cultivated excellent new varieties of Schisandra chinensis by using wild Schisandra chinensis. The method is

    2020-11-08 Species Schisandra artificial breeding technology traditional Chinese medicine
  • Artificial breeding technique of Schisandra chinensis

    Artificial breeding technique of Schisandra chinensis

    The special medical and health care effect of Schisandra chinensis is more and more favored by people. However, the breeding and breeding of Schisandra chinensis is a difficult problem. The improved variety breeding base of Schisandra chinensis in Kuandian County, Liaoning Province has cultivated excellent new varieties of Schisandra chinensis by using wild Schisandra chinensis. The method is as follows: firstly, according to the law that "offspring are over-related" in hybridization (inbreeding) among excellent varieties (lines) of grape, pear and other fruit trees, wild Schisandra chinensis was optimized, purified, domesticated and improved. The main method is to choose a piece of wild Schisandra chinensis on the mountain and select the long and neat ear when the fruit is ripe.

  • How to prevent frost damage of Schisandra chinensis

    How to prevent frost damage of Schisandra chinensis

    1. Disease symptoms in the northeast Schisandra chinensis producing area, varying degrees of frost damage occurs every year, light branches are frozen, serious ones cause the death of the whole plant. The damaged leaves showed irregular small spots at the initial stage, and with the extension of time, the spots connected and developed into large patches with uneven patches, the leaves faded and the leaf margin dried up. In the later stage of the disease, the young shoots were seriously dehydrated and wilted, the tissue was dry and necrotic, the leaves were dry and shedding, and the tree potential was weak. First of all, it is the influence of temperature. After Schisandra chinensis sprouted in spring, sometimes the temperature dropped sharply at night, and the water vapor condensed.

  • How to grow Schisandra chinensis for several years

    How to grow Schisandra chinensis for several years

    After a long period of experience accumulation, farmers gradually mastered the growth law of Schisandra chinensis, so artificial Schisandra chinensis appeared. With the development of agricultural science and technology and the increasing demand for Schisandra chinensis in the market, the artificial planting area of Schisandra chinensis is in.

    2020-11-08 Schisandra chinensis how plant a few years the result after a long time occasionally
  • When does the traditional Chinese medicine Schisandra chinensis for nourishing the liver bear fruit? How many times a year? No, what happened? How should I plant it?

    When does the traditional Chinese medicine Schisandra chinensis for nourishing the liver bear fruit? How many times a year? No, what happened? How should I plant it?

    Schisandra chinensis is divided into Schisandra chinensis and Schisandra chinensis. Schisandra chinensis is widely used as medicine because of its liver-nourishing and strong three-dimensional effectiveness. at present, it is planted in many areas, but if Schisandra chinensis is to produce high yield, it is necessary to improve its fruiting rate. when will Schisandra chinensis bear fruit? How many times a year? No knot

    2020-11-09 Nourishing liver traditional Chinese medicine Schisandra chinensis when result one year knot
  • Hybrid seed production method of Schisandra chinensis

    Hybrid seed production method of Schisandra chinensis

    First of all, a good tree shape is selected in the mountain, with a large amount of fruit, large clusters, large grains and many fruits as a whole, evenly harvest seeds, direct seeding and raising seedlings, and when entering the peak fruit period, enter the garden to select the same criteria as above. During the spring direct broadcast, the seeds of two trees with outstanding performance were selected, marked with the male and female parents respectively, far away from the production garden, and pollinated trees were prepared in the form of 2:1. The fruit matured and observed in the garden to see whether the whole orchard was consistent with the whole hanging fruit. Standard string ratio, whether there is the phenomenon of grain size or not, the fruit yield per plant is more than 5 kg, which is in line with the appellate standard.

  • Branch shaping method of Schisandra chinensis

    Branch shaping method of Schisandra chinensis

    Branch shaping method of Schisandra chinensis

  • Plastic surgery of Schisandra chinensis

    Plastic surgery of Schisandra chinensis

    The branches of Schisandra chinensis are soft and can not stand upright, so they need to be attached to the support and grow upward. Therefore, its plastic work includes two tasks: setting support and pruning. (1) there is a great difference in the growth of Schisandra chinensis in the year in which it is planted.

    2020-11-08 Species Schisandra plastic surgery Schisandra chinensis branches soft can not
  • Cultivation Techniques of Fructus Schisandrae Chinensis

    Cultivation Techniques of Fructus Schisandrae Chinensis

    Seed propagation: after harvest, the fruits of schisandra chinensis were washed out and dried for storage. Sowing: Soak seeds at room temperature for 1 day and night, mix them evenly with 3 times the amount of pure river sand, bury them in a cooler place, and after 3-4 months, the seeds can enter the radicle.

    2020-11-08 Keywords schisandra chinensis planting technique cultivation method abstract seed propagation
  • The benefit of intercropping Schisandra chinensis in forest is good.

    The benefit of intercropping Schisandra chinensis in forest is good.

    Schisandra chinensis comes from the mature and dry fruit of Schisandra chinensis in Magnoliaceae. The plant is a perennial deciduous woody climbing vine with a woody stem of 8m and 10m in length. It is wild in the forest and on the edge of the forest, climbing trees grow, and its spike-shaped red ripe berries are picked and used as medicine every year from May to July and from August to early October. Schisandra chinensis planting techniques (1) Schisandra chinensis is suitable for the growth of Schisandra chinensis. Schisandra likes the living environment of shade and tide temperature, and it is shade-resistant, and the suitable degree of shade is about 20%.

  • Schisandra chinensis sunburn disease

    Schisandra chinensis sunburn disease

    Fruit sunburn of Schisandra chinensis is a common physiological disease, which causes certain losses in production every year. With the global warming, this disease has a trend of increasing year by year. 1. Disease symptoms Schisandra sunburn mainly harms the fruit. Sunburn sites often show herpes, sunken spots, leatherization, plaque sclerosis or pulp tissue withered spots. The surface of the damaged fruit turned white (yellow or pink) at first, and then turned black-yellow to brown. When the burning is serious, the pulp tissue will be sunken and necrotic.

  • Schisandra chinensis changed from wild to home.

    Schisandra chinensis changed from wild to home.

    Nowadays, the wild resources of Schisandra chinensis are decreasing day by day, and the market demand is increasing. The research of Schisandra chinensis from wild to home planting has been successful and achieved high economic benefits. First, garden site selection and planting 1. Garden site selection. Schisandra chinensis is suitable for slightly acidic soil, and can be cultivated in large areas where the annual frost-free period is more than 115days and the accumulated temperature is more than 2300 ℃. The garden should choose flat land or shady sloping land with good drainage and low groundwater level. The hedgerow was planted with a row spacing of 0.75 m × 2 m. 2. Preparation work before planting. Enter the winter

  • Plastic surgery of Schisandra chinensis

    Plastic surgery of Schisandra chinensis

    The branches of Schisandra chinensis are soft and can not stand upright, so they need to be attached to the support and grow upward. Therefore, its plastic work includes two tasks: setting support and pruning. (1) there is a big difference in the growth of Schisandra chinensis in the same year. Under the condition of poor seedling quality and poor management, the plant height can only reach 50 cm to 60 cm, but after flat stubble pruning, the average growth height can reach more than 150 cm in the second year, and can be covered with shelves in the third year. Therefore, it can be set up in the spring of the following year (early and middle May).

  • High-yield Cultivation Techniques of Fructus Schisandrae Chinensis

    High-yield Cultivation Techniques of Fructus Schisandrae Chinensis

    Schizandra chinensis is a medicinal plant. Its wild resources are decreasing and market demand is increasing. The main points of high-yield cultivation techniques of schisandra chinensis are as follows:1. Seedling cultivation schisandra chinensis is suitable for growing in slightly acidic soil, with frost-free period more than 115 days per year and accumulated temperature above 2300℃. Cultivated plots should be selected for good drainage, low groundwater level or shady slope. Planting with hedge frame, plant spacing of 0.75 m x 2 m-1.0 m x 2 m. It is planted in late April. Soak seedlings in water for 12 hours to 24 hours before planting
